Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Let's Try This Again

I started a blog some time ago, under this same name, with the goal of writing about religion and culture and music and books, and whatever came into my head. I discovered, after one or two posts, that I don't have a personality that allows me to believe that there are enough people out there interested in my every thought to justify typing them all up. It's the same reason I don't have a Twitter account. What could I possibly have to say that's interesting enough to add to that narcissistic cacaphony?

After numerous failed attempts at getting back into grad school (I'm not giving up yet, folks!), I've realized something else: I am very little if not an academic. I can watch trashy movies and read books of fiction, but I want to have intelligent conversations about them afterwards. I want to work out my opinions and hear those of other people. I think of things in terms of theory and the abstract problems that don't have election-year solutions. I want to think about religion, and without the structure of coursework and term papers, this is my forum.

So let's try this again. I'll endeavor to post weekly, and to be as responsible about citations as I can. It'll be fun, I promise.

1 comment:

  1. Jim is bored, And drunk (at time of writing). And needs more interesting reading, Be more narcissistic. And cacophonous. Now!
